Monday, 26 October 2015

20 Random facts About Me!

20 Random Facts About Me!

Brunching In Tescos With Mr!
  1. My daily job is being a landlady! you wouldn't have thought that about me would you have?!, I have worked in my family business since I was 23! and that makes it 15 years this year. We manage our own portfolio of properties. I have always respected the privilege and have remained focused and determined when it has come down getting things done!
  2. I have suffered form Eczema since I was 5, its been the hardest thing and the thing that has made me strong and built my character! I am compassion and kindness because of my sufferings and will never not go out of my way to help people and share love
  3. At the age of 17 I won an all expenses paid trip to L.A. California. I kid you not these things do happen! I was hospitalised for my eczema at the time and requested my mum to get me some magazines and she got me Smashits! and Looks! remember them! and I entered a competition where I had to look at just the lips of 4 models and say who the models were! it was easy Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schieffer . I received the phone call from the magazine a few months later, it was such a fabulous once in a lifetime experience and thats when I got the travelling bug! I took my school friend with me ( who is still a dear friend to me!) and we had a blast! Pretty Women and Bevery Hills 90210 were big then and to be on Rodeo Drive and be in the same zip code as Jason Priestly was fantastic and we loved it and still reminisce about it now 20 years on!
  4. I love reading books! and no kindle will work for me I need to smell the book feel the pages and hold the book in my hands. I carry a handbag big enough for my books and if its not big enough then I buy another lol.
  5. Red lips since my late 20's is my staple look, and I love the confidence it brings, once you step over to the bright side! it just makes the day happen and your outfit. I have so many reds in my makeup bag and I still convince myself that there must be more shades of red out there! 
  6. My PJ's are my favourite outfit and if I know I'm not going anywhere then at home you will find me in my comfy Jams working away. 
  7. One of my favourite past time is watching my box sets, especially now that sky plus has started them free. I have managed to get through this year Prison Break, 24, Breaking Bad The Affair and now finally I have started Game Of Thrones and I'm hooked people! thats a lot of TV for someone who gets a lot done in a day , but I have to say the max episodes I can watch are 3! 
  8. I find so much inspiration from you tubers and that is my go to when I'm down, I love bloggers and vloggers and having a peek into their life and seeing their ups and downs and  how they cope you start feeling like you have a virtual family . 
  9. I meditate daily something a lot of you may not know  about me! I start my day with a 10 minute morning mediation and end my day with an evening one, its something I have done for years and I do feel it gives me a sense of calm and clarity throughout the day. It allows me to be peaceful with my decisions and not get too caught up with things.
  10. My dad is my hero in life. He remains my friend, my guide and my mentor. He's the perfect gentleman who's completely self-made never relied on anyone to get him anywhere and has the strength of a tiger . He's always been the best dad to me and was never too busy to be there for me, even today. Gosh I love him. 
  11. I am married and he's my best friend.
  12. Travelling is my ultimate joy and I do wish I had travelled earlier in life. But better late then never! I am making up for it! 2013 I married in India and travelled most of it . North Delhi punjab, Golden temple, Goa and Rajisthaan, just a wondrous trip history, beauty, hustle, and bustle at its best. Last year Singapore, Athens and Istanbul, again the history of Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire just blew me away. This year Santorini in Greece, Ibiza, and just booked our new year winter get away to Dominican Republic Carribeans can't wait. So age is nothing but a number and I am certainly catching up.
  13. I have my tripod, camera and Lighting for filming videos but am procrastinating about it all, I think deep down I am nervous about it and camera shy ! any ideas how to get over that?!
  14. I enjoy clothes and mixing and matching outfits to suit ones body type. I love having fun with it all and also getting inspiration from others and the way they dress. Its fabulous being a girl.
  15. Before my slip disc, I used to do 50/100 burpees in my living room! now I do pilates and I swim
  16. I hope one with my blog or soon to be channel I will become popular enough to somehow make a difference in peoples lives. Thats my ultimate goal. 
  17. I am a very affectionate person , I love my kisses and cuddles.
  18. I have 2 annoying habits one is I chew my tongue strange I know and the other is I shake my leg all the time and people either think I need to go to the loo or then that I am nervous. Its neither I just finding it relaxing !
  19. My day can be very busy but my creams regime has to be part of that, hence why I named my blog creams no creams, just because I either am wearing them or have none on that I am about to put some on! its the story of my life! welcome to the world of Eczema
  20. My favourite quote "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it" . How amazing is this quote ! its just trying to say that no matter how much someone or something has hurt you , you will only speak good be kind and remain humble. Oh i just love it. How did you interpret this quote?

I hope you have enjoyed this little personal journey into my life. If theres any questions or you would like to know more leave me a message. Whats one thing that you could tell me about yourself ?

Until Next Week
Unscripted & Unapologetic

Monday, 19 October 2015

My Capsule Wardrobe For Autumn Winter

Autumn Winter Wardrobe

Theres something about the Autumn/Winter wardrobe changes that makes me just sigh with relief, no more having to make sure the skin is looking glowy, or shaving arms for the most part! one can go back to cosying up with the thicker knitted ponchos that are in this season and the tartan trousers and scarfs that have come up in the local high street shops!

Asos- Ponchos

My favourite past time like many other bloggers or girls is sifting through the pages of Asos and putting things in the basket getting carried away then taking them back out! however theses two staple winter pieces were just a must and I absolutely love them. Both are Ponchos with unique shape and style

The first Poncho below

Asos-Check Square Poncho

I loved the polo neck style to it and the square shape its versatile and unique and will go with anything be it a skirt jeans or my River Island trousers you are seeing me in ! It has a black and grey tartan style print to it, but its knitted and warm the polo neck is an interesting detailing to it! adds a little class to the look, its a great look for the cinema or even for a dinner. Its going to be my staple piece to go to during the winter I can already tell.

Next Poncho

Asos-Aztec Print Poncho

Do you love this or what! its the aztec print poncho and I love it! it so out there and a confident print to carry. I would say keep the top underneath a one block colour, with jeans or black trousers and maybe a bright scarf just thrown around your neck and voila a great on trend look! just makes me excited and happy when I look at this print! who else thinks this print is a must. The tassels at the end are also really in , it goes with the fringed bag and tops look . How would you dress this up?

My next piece of clothing during the Autumn is my denim jacket , now I know some of you will say what?! but hear me out its not that cold yet! so with a thick heavy tartan scarf that are now available in top shop it can work and its my all year round jacket It had to be added

New Look-Denim Jacket

Jean jacket slightly torn in places a great look with dresses jeans trousers and skirts put a thick scarf on and you have a great easy look that you can turn to when stuck.

My other smart jacket that I have for evenings I  wear quite often is my black blazer, its the LBD (little black dress) of my wardrobe. This can dress up an evening outfit so well and keep you warm. Dark trousers a simple top with a statement piece of necklace and the jacket and its a lovely understated look to have!

Debenhams-Black Blazer

I am moving onto my trouser look, I managed to find a really flattering and comfortable Tartan trouser from River Island , the tartan look is on trend and a great look to have during the colder months! it can be dressed up with some small heels and a jacket and clutch but I much prefer the casual look so ankle boots with a cosy warm jacket plain top big scarf! and the look is made.

River Island-Tartan Trouser
My other go to look which can be worn throughout most seasons is my black pencil skirt, I have to admit I do love this skirt and it looks slight worn so I think I will need to be on the look out for a new one. So if any of you know where I can find a long pencil black skirt like this let me know in the comments. This skirt is versatile , during the winter months I have always worn this with ankle boots or knee high boots with a mid way coat, scarf its a great look with tights.

Warehouse- Black Skirt

My favourite top in my wardrobe and has been for a number of years is my black halter top. I bought this and a red one from H&M years ago and I tell you I have worn this till the cows come home, its so flattering on the shoulders and puffy around the waist so any bit of weight one might have put on doesn't show its a lovely top and one block colour so necklaces look great on this look.

H&M-River Island
My final clothing item is another top and its my white lace top from topshop, again bought years ago, but I love the elegance and the chic look to it. I have worn this casual as well. Its a lovely top and my white tshirt! .

Topshop-White Lace Top

I have to say this inspiration of a blog came from, she always has great lookbooks and styles , she mixes things up and I just like and appreciate the Information that she shares.

My pictures by no means  great, but like I say I'm a work in progress and I like to experiment and share things I like the best way I am able to . So I hope yo have liked some of my staple looks in my wardrobe and my Winter look that I will be walking around in!

What will be your look be for this winter? any ideas? have you been inspired by anything let me know in the comments.

Till Next Week

Unscripted & Unapologetic

Monday, 12 October 2015


Hot Berry, Berry Punch13, Cosmic Raspberry3, Wine25, Heart13, Lip Pencil Sangria

I have a huge collection of Bobbi Brown products and I do think one of the reasons why that is , is because its the only shop really close to me that does the more branded makeup rather than drugstore bought. There is a blessing in this I was propelled to look more into the Bobbi Brown products and fast became a fan! Though honestly I think the glosses could be better as mentioned in one of my previous blogs!

What I love about their lipsticks they have lots of similar colours but some will be in matt some metallic and some just glossy I love that about them. You can get the shade more than one time in a different consistency and it gives a complete different take on the lipstick altogether as you will see with my pink shades.

Hot Berry

Its exactly just that! its a siren stand out there pink with a metallic sheen to it and I love this lipstick for a night out. Its a bright pink with a red undertone its awesome and the metallic part of it makes it unusual , how can i explain it, its a little like the sheen our mothers used to wear and most of us kids growing up ran from those colours and always went for Matt BUT I have to say they were onto something honestly it gives a glamorous feel to it . 

Berry Punch

A great colour its a little more of a pink pink, I would say its more toned down though my picture with its lighting speaks a different story I assure you it is less of a  out there a proper pink  still with sheen , but a lovely colour. This colour goes really nice with smokey eyes or neutral eyes with a winged eyeliner. 


Cosmic Raspberry

This is a luscious colour thats the first word that came to my mind! its creamy not drying a deep real pink still glossy and more on the bright side, I love the word Cosmic what a fabulous idea first the name caught my attention then I looked at the colour and thought, yeah I have way too many Pinks but I am adding this to my collection! watch out other pinks! lol cosmic coming your way! this is a speak for itself kind of colour you don't have to confuse yourself with the other makeup on your face do a little foundation little blusher  oh yes you will look fantastic.


This is my new purchase and I love love love it, its my Autumn colour collection, its deep rich burgundy maroon, leaning on brown  its startling but brilliant! with the lip pencil Sangria its a show stopper. Its really perfect on a winters day or night all wrapped up with this colour, out on a Xmas party its just a cosy warm deep colour and I think everyone should have this for this Autumn Winter time.

Heart 13

I have had this in one of my earlier blogs as a red I love! its consistency is perfect it has stay on power and its close on par with Ruby Woo of Mac I love my Bright confident WOW reds and this is firmly in my favourite list! it just speaks for itself and you don't need to dress up or down to stick this on and ooze confidence this is when ladies should have fun with their colours its a fun lets go and party colour  Go on try it!

I hope you enjoy this weeks post! its just a quick post on some of my collection of Lipsticks with  with Bobbi Brown . Maybe some of you can share your favourite lipsticks from Bobbi brown with 

Until Next Week

Unscripted & Unapologetic

Monday, 5 October 2015

My Weekend In Brighton!

Sunny Brighton!

StrawberryFields B&B In Brighton

I remember the saying a change is as good as rest and thats where this weekend getaway with my girlfriends came about. We all end up in routines where work, family life adult responsibilities can take over. So once in awhile its good to be spontaneous and grab a few close friends and use the initiative and make some plans away from home.

There is something about the sea! thats makes everything calm and peaceful and on this particular weekend it was no exception. It was sunny breezy calm waters, people mingling eating ice-cream, fish and chips and generally just having a innocent chilled time beside the seaside!

I stayed with a friend in a small but beautiful B&B called, I found this cute boutique style hotel whilst researching where to stay on trip advisor its one of the best B&B I have stayed at in a long while! the theme to the B&B any guesses?! lol yes strawberries how cute. As you walk into the B&B there is framed photos of strawberries, the reception is scattered with their own shower gel of Strawberries!, their business cards strawberries.

The Bedroom was even more super cute, just being surrounded  by Strawberry interior is sure to put anyone in a good mood!Now lets see, strawberry alarm clock, cushions, mugs, pillows and shower gel you kind of get the gist! It may seem a little girly to you , but I have to say before the trip had even began this had bought a huge grin to my face! I was in heaven

The B&B was situated not far from the sea or central Brighton so was perfect for walks during the day or then just meandering in the lanes at the cute quirky stores. The B&B like most places in

Brighton is in a townhouse format so reception on one floor rooms on 1-4 floors so if you are wanting something on a lower floor I do suggest you call them and request that in advance.

 Breakfast was not included however we did get complimentary hot/warm croissants with coffee, which was a super cute touch, our bedroom wasn't far from reception so we would nip out in our PJ's grab some coffee run back into the room and jump back into  bed, carry on talking while eating breakfast! perfect right?! I did speak to the manager briefly the day we were checking out and she was happy for me to write about the place and put it in my blog I was so impressed by the B&B it was something I had to  share  with all. You never know you may want to go for a short weekend one day and this is so cute and romantic perfect for a couple, or even friends.

Our trip was from Friday to Sunday which gave us ample time to mix up the day, drinks, shopping, more drinks. Saturday was in New Haven and Sunday my friend and I did the traditional pier walk, went on some rides come on you can't go the sea-side and not go on the carousel or the haunted baby roller coaster! oh was so funny had tears streaming down my eyes thats how bad it was! we had fish and chips by the sea walked back into the lanes bought some present for the family finished it off with some tea at a cute little cake shop and came home happy and fulfilled.

We started off with a great pub lunch! few drinks, a lot of sunshine and laughter. My friend took us to a few shops in Brighton in the Lanes and just a general meander. That day was spent mostly catching up with whats been happening in each others lives! The cocktails kept coming, food at every corner was just the perfect friends weekend!

Our trip wasn't just based in central Brighton, we also went to see a friend who lives in New Haven 20 minute drive from Brighton lovely scenic green costal town where I think people choose to retire, so slightly quieter! . We spent the day with my lovely friend and sat by the sea talked ate good food, did a wonderful country walk at seven sister national park and we were so lucky we had, I am sure, the last of the sunny warm days the weather was just so perfect. My friend is a great cook and a healthy one at that, she was so lovely she cooked us a homemade wild rice vegetables mix before the beautiful walk we took, she is a star! See below how tasty the salad mix looked!

We had a drink in a local pub and the views were spectacular! I am someone that could sit by the sea for hours thinking listening to the waves lap in and out. I do think I need to be near the sea throughout the year! it gives me a sense of calmness and a moment in my hectic life to just be!

Seven Sisters national park is an amazing walk to take so green such clean air and the cliffs and view are breathtaking! I would recommend some good walking shoes, a camera to take amazing pics and water the walk to the end can take maybe an hour!

Our last day at Brighton was the standard thing, the pier, fish and chips, carousel it was such fun! we had proper giggles talked about life our goals what we would like for the future. Such fun.

Best fish and chips ever! you must try it! its on the pier. If the sun is shining you even have the loungers to sit on whilst looking at the sea! and don't forget you can't order this without mushy peas.

Rides were my favourite past time when I was young, so it was so nice to have my friend Sarah with me to laugh at the ridiculous faces we were making and the bad rides we kept going on! sometimes being childlike is so much fun I recommend a daily dose of it to everyone!

Whats the saying oh I do like to be beside the sea-side! well thats for sure the case for me. Great company, cosy B&B, good food and plenty of laughter.

So do any of you take spontaneous trips anywhere or do you like to plan your trips? which works for you better? Sometimes the unplanned events work out to be so much more fun, try it sometime break the routine and just say Yes! watch how much more relaxed and rejuvenated you will feel. 21st Century runs on a fast pace! and its good to slow the pace down and smile.

Until the next time

Lots of Love
Unscripted & Unapologetic