Monday, 26 October 2015

20 Random facts About Me!

20 Random Facts About Me!

Brunching In Tescos With Mr!
  1. My daily job is being a landlady! you wouldn't have thought that about me would you have?!, I have worked in my family business since I was 23! and that makes it 15 years this year. We manage our own portfolio of properties. I have always respected the privilege and have remained focused and determined when it has come down getting things done!
  2. I have suffered form Eczema since I was 5, its been the hardest thing and the thing that has made me strong and built my character! I am compassion and kindness because of my sufferings and will never not go out of my way to help people and share love
  3. At the age of 17 I won an all expenses paid trip to L.A. California. I kid you not these things do happen! I was hospitalised for my eczema at the time and requested my mum to get me some magazines and she got me Smashits! and Looks! remember them! and I entered a competition where I had to look at just the lips of 4 models and say who the models were! it was easy Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schieffer . I received the phone call from the magazine a few months later, it was such a fabulous once in a lifetime experience and thats when I got the travelling bug! I took my school friend with me ( who is still a dear friend to me!) and we had a blast! Pretty Women and Bevery Hills 90210 were big then and to be on Rodeo Drive and be in the same zip code as Jason Priestly was fantastic and we loved it and still reminisce about it now 20 years on!
  4. I love reading books! and no kindle will work for me I need to smell the book feel the pages and hold the book in my hands. I carry a handbag big enough for my books and if its not big enough then I buy another lol.
  5. Red lips since my late 20's is my staple look, and I love the confidence it brings, once you step over to the bright side! it just makes the day happen and your outfit. I have so many reds in my makeup bag and I still convince myself that there must be more shades of red out there! 
  6. My PJ's are my favourite outfit and if I know I'm not going anywhere then at home you will find me in my comfy Jams working away. 
  7. One of my favourite past time is watching my box sets, especially now that sky plus has started them free. I have managed to get through this year Prison Break, 24, Breaking Bad The Affair and now finally I have started Game Of Thrones and I'm hooked people! thats a lot of TV for someone who gets a lot done in a day , but I have to say the max episodes I can watch are 3! 
  8. I find so much inspiration from you tubers and that is my go to when I'm down, I love bloggers and vloggers and having a peek into their life and seeing their ups and downs and  how they cope you start feeling like you have a virtual family . 
  9. I meditate daily something a lot of you may not know  about me! I start my day with a 10 minute morning mediation and end my day with an evening one, its something I have done for years and I do feel it gives me a sense of calm and clarity throughout the day. It allows me to be peaceful with my decisions and not get too caught up with things.
  10. My dad is my hero in life. He remains my friend, my guide and my mentor. He's the perfect gentleman who's completely self-made never relied on anyone to get him anywhere and has the strength of a tiger . He's always been the best dad to me and was never too busy to be there for me, even today. Gosh I love him. 
  11. I am married and he's my best friend.
  12. Travelling is my ultimate joy and I do wish I had travelled earlier in life. But better late then never! I am making up for it! 2013 I married in India and travelled most of it . North Delhi punjab, Golden temple, Goa and Rajisthaan, just a wondrous trip history, beauty, hustle, and bustle at its best. Last year Singapore, Athens and Istanbul, again the history of Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire just blew me away. This year Santorini in Greece, Ibiza, and just booked our new year winter get away to Dominican Republic Carribeans can't wait. So age is nothing but a number and I am certainly catching up.
  13. I have my tripod, camera and Lighting for filming videos but am procrastinating about it all, I think deep down I am nervous about it and camera shy ! any ideas how to get over that?!
  14. I enjoy clothes and mixing and matching outfits to suit ones body type. I love having fun with it all and also getting inspiration from others and the way they dress. Its fabulous being a girl.
  15. Before my slip disc, I used to do 50/100 burpees in my living room! now I do pilates and I swim
  16. I hope one with my blog or soon to be channel I will become popular enough to somehow make a difference in peoples lives. Thats my ultimate goal. 
  17. I am a very affectionate person , I love my kisses and cuddles.
  18. I have 2 annoying habits one is I chew my tongue strange I know and the other is I shake my leg all the time and people either think I need to go to the loo or then that I am nervous. Its neither I just finding it relaxing !
  19. My day can be very busy but my creams regime has to be part of that, hence why I named my blog creams no creams, just because I either am wearing them or have none on that I am about to put some on! its the story of my life! welcome to the world of Eczema
  20. My favourite quote "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it" . How amazing is this quote ! its just trying to say that no matter how much someone or something has hurt you , you will only speak good be kind and remain humble. Oh i just love it. How did you interpret this quote?

I hope you have enjoyed this little personal journey into my life. If theres any questions or you would like to know more leave me a message. Whats one thing that you could tell me about yourself ?

Until Next Week
Unscripted & Unapologetic

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