Saturday, 23 January 2016


Travelling India 2013! 



Travelling has always been my dream, but the problem with me was also thinking about it and never really ever doing it! So when I married Mr, addressed in previous blog go check it out, it only but seemed appropriate to stay with my new family and explore parts of India that I had never been able to do on my other trips.

Cue it being really hot during the months we travelled, I still ventured out slapped on loads of sunscreen turned a bright red! but powered on with my love for travelling. Portable fan in hand camera in the other, large sunglasses to hide my face , vest top and skirt and I was good to go, and literally melt! which I did.

The places we travelled, In Order of Travel:
Goa (South & North)
Amritsar (Golden Temple, Wagah Border & Jaliyaan Wala Bagh)
Rajistaan (Jaipur)

First stop was our honeymoon, this ended up being during the monsoon month, hey it made it much cooler and in some ways much more romantic! we stayed in a beautiful property called the Leela, it was on stunning grounds with lots of lush greenery! golf course a private beach. The golf carts would drive you to your room thats how big the resort was. There was a spa! games room, evening entertainment, it was fabulous and the hospitality was next to none, so respectful so polite well mannered they remember your name your favourite drink and personalise the service . Its an expensive resort, but worth a one off pampering yourself trip, South of Goa so the quieter part but to get to the north and the more commercialised parts it only takes around 45 minutes in car. My favourite parts of the trip were the afternoons, mr likes to take his naps and I like to explore so I would take a cart to the reception area which was an open area slightly covered all in Marble and would watch the rain fall while nibbling on hot Pakoras and India Masala tea my Idea of heaven, it was just breath taking. If you want to eat in Goa trip advisor has so many good recommendations that you can't go wrong. One place that springs to mind was Martins Corner a great Lobster place, where on Friday and Saturday nights if my memory is correct they have live music. A little bit of advice fresh fish is their speciality so their lobster in garlic butter or then crab is great! the Goan spice fish is a very personal taste and extremely strong try it, might not work to your palette. Thumbs up with this place romantic rainy and scenic.


Second stop Amritsar the holy city. Now you might be surprised in knowing that since I was young I have always wanted to go to the golden temple and pay my respects and take in the grandeur and magnitude of the temple and savour the peaceful aura that I have heard it has. But because I'm very panicky in crowds and get very claustrophobic my family would just say you won't be able to cope leave it! This time with the help of a friends father we managed to skip certain areas where there would have been crowds and managed to do 'Darshan' and enjoy this beautiful place called the Golden Temple. I remember at that time the month being August and lets just say the marble was sweltering and burning my feet, I had to style the walking fast otherwise really I just wanted to run across it into cool waters, too hot, please go during the month of November, December or February, will be less intense on the body. Just a beautiful and surreal place.

Amritsar-Golden Temple

Other stop in Amritsar aka Punjab, was the Jaliyaan Wala Bagh|! oh yes its the garden or area of torture historical it is known that when the British ruled India this particular area had some unrest brewing amongst the locals and General Dyer decided to do a gun massacre to end the situation and to show others it would not be tolerated, people gathered in the area thinking it was going to be a peaceful talk and actually gunfire was showered on the innocent victims so many ran for their lives and to this day the bullet holes can be seen in the walls, trees and the Well where the people ran into and died, its quite a sad historical place to go to but something that makes you realise and treasure the freedoms we now enjoy.

Third Stop in Punjab, Wagah border which borders onto Pakistan they open the gates once in the evening and hold a procession of all soldiers its literally brilliant you see the neighbouring country people sitting their flying their flags and its super to watch sad to see once the gate shuts how we are still divided by land and borders. But a wonderful procession and I have a few photos taken with me and the soldiers.Lots of tourists there I would suggest that you get there early it does get quite packed and you want to get seats or at least be in the front to be able to see the soldiers .

Amritsar-Wagah Border

Last leg of our trip before I left for London was Rajasthan, Jaipur the land where the kings and Queens ruled the places and the grandeur still stands and how beautiful and breathtaking is this history as if time has stood still. I had no idea I would love this city of Pink as much as I did , I think eventually I drove Mr crazy with Youtube Videos of Gaytri Devi and facts that I learnt throughout the day! . She was the last remaining royalty of the old times who passed only a few years ago and lived her life like a tomboy played polo dressed up wore trousers back in the 1960;s and believed in education and equality for girls. Her palace now has been part sold to the Taj group of hotel and the other half the family are disputed in . Some palaces are still with families and some have become world heritage propertys the ones that still remain with families need some way to make money so they can be maintained, some have become paid for museums some schools for girls and the rest are a little worse for wear but nonetheless so beautiful I can't explain!

Rajasthan Jaipur-Amber Forte

The one palace or forte that took my eye and heart was the Amber Forte in the hills of a town called Amer Jaipur to get there we took an elephant and each section of the forte is according to the seasons , back then there was no proper water supply or heating so glass was used as a heat reflector water in wells was used as a cooling agents long swings with cloths as fans. The architecture and the red sandstone and the design are still so stunning and preserved so well . If you love history then you will be in your element with this. The design of the building reflects the Moguls and Rajas that ruled during the 1590's to the mid 18th century, royals ruling was stopped in the 1950's any powers they held taken from them but their palaces were left for them, however without any means of maintaining them unless they opened them up to the public as historical interest. People do come in the drives to see these palaces and pay to see the history some that have become hotels , weddings are now being held, so money is coming in and history remains in tact.

RamBagh Palace-Jaipur (Gayatri Devis Palace)
Now A Taj Hotel.

One thing that I can say about India is the vast array of colours history different cultures civilisations and wonderments is just amazing and I don't think in one lifetime I would ever be able to see the whole of India, but I have decided that I will try, I love the factor that my family and my ancestors are from a country so rich of values morals family life surviving and loving life, though my parents may have migrated India very much still remains a love filled conversation amongst my parents and we continue to enjoy our trips to the motherland.

I hope this Blog has given you a little insight of the joys of India. Where have you been thats taken you by surprise? or have you taken a few months off and just travelled and if so where? does going on holiday make you a traveller or does actually taking time out and spending months there make you are true traveller, as always I would love to know your thoughts!

Leave your comments.

To subscribe to my blog you can do it through google or bloglovin. I will soon enough have my website up and running.

Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Time
Unscripted and Unapologetic

Sunday, 10 January 2016

My Big Fat Indian Wedding 2013!

Delhi Wedding 2013

Oh yes I the British born confused Indian, yeah I know all you people living in India refer to us that way, but alas we have names for you but ill refrain from indulging and go back to the conversation at hand! I married my Mr in India the capital with all the frills the loudness the glitz the dazzle razzle and the hip shaking dance moves! It was a blast and thats how the Punjabis do it.

Crowne Plaza New Delhi Okhla

Our mothers and fathers end up saving all their lives for that one day of holy matrimony, its quite ridiculous but so much fun and a great way to bring people together to dress over the top dance for every little thing one can think of and generally just have a hoot with family and friends.

Usually in Indian weddings months of preparations take place from booking the venues to the flower arrangements to the favour boxes its all fine tuned to the smallest detail. Mr being a Virgo had a excel spreadsheet compiled so that each person knew what job they were doing I think at that precise point I realised we had a groomzilla on hand not a bridezilla! come on I flew in from London 10 days before the wedding, did my wedding shopping as in my bridal clothes, matching jewellery accessorise everything all the gifts that needed to be given to the new family members all shopped in one day kid you not! rest of the days was spent chilling organising the home events sorting music and generally just enjoying the chaos of India the hullabaloo of my family, did I mention that I have a loud proud Punjabi family from Punjab who do nothing quietly, personally I love it I think may have shocked my Delhi In laws! we came with shiny shirts big moustaches loud sister in laws and cousins and generally chaos with kids running around no one listening to anyone. I remember sitting back when my mehndi was taking place thats Henna to those of you who don't know and looking around and feeling such elation that we were all together a miss some elder members taking pics catching up smiling and just loving being part of such a big family. Thank-you mum for making it happen and being the proud mum that you are! my dads the cool dude who turned up to attend! my mum was left to organise the rest! with my Bhua dads sister. Everyone under the sun gets involved.

We also all have an opinion, even when you don't want the opinion its forced upon you but you smile and take it with gratitude to only then realise someone else is wanting something else done and you have just agreed to the same one thing a hundred different ways! its ok thats what happens and mostly you will have at least 10 relatives that will be annoyed with you for not having listened to them for one thing or another! its great and you get used to it.

I married in Delhi Crowne Plaza, it was July and the sweltering heat was oven like , all my makeup  melted off my clothes felt itchy and uncomfortable but the venue we chose was beautiful and the indian religious ceremony took place poolside at the hotel with beautiful white flowers surrounding the man dap cool summers breeze gently surrounding us it truly was magical and I thank our family for making this happen.

I wore Red oh yes the shiny red dazzle outfit was mine with red eyeshadow and red lips not exactly my choice of colours but I got my makeup done professionally and couldn't really complain too much seen as i chose her based on, online reviews! oh well at least I matched . Mr was in traditional mens wear with a sword I'm not quite sure what the significance is but he insisted on wearing it and coming to the venue on horse with drum players , I repeat we don't do anything quietly ! .

Ceremonies take their own sweet time! and sometimes when I looked up time felt like it stood still and maybe in some ways I wanted it to so that I could capture that moment forever in my heart! to have my relatives present that I normally don't see my dads brothers all there just so sweet.

I believe in commitment whether marriage works for someone fine. The institution works for me, not for all and lets not forget that those planning weddings is fine and so much fun it is only one day make sure you concentrate more on the vows you are keeping with each other. Things will change every step of the way change is constant but know that your foundations of friendship and communication should remain strong whatever may happen. Easier said than done!

I loved every moment of this chapter, and treasured my family surrounding me! and supporting me throughout hard decisions that I needed to make. I stayed in India for a further 3 months to connect with my new family and to generally spend some time with Mr. I travelled a great deal after that but I will leave that for another blog.

Marriages take time to develop two completely different lives living together and trying to amalgmate and entwine with each other take time, be patient with things and know that sometimes you have to pick your disagreements and be the better person and let some things go! 3 years on we are still laughing and joking and certainly more closer through things. I recommend it! lol otherwise commitment in life is good too.

Have you got married yet? or thinking about it ? what apprehensions do you have? Or are you in a committed relationship and don't think it necessary let me know I love your comments and thoughts!

You can follow my blog on Bloglovin or Google+

Keep a look out for my new website coming soon.

Also social media wise I'm on
SnapChat -neeru_chopra
Twitter- neeru_chopra

Until Next Week
Unscripted and Unapologetic

Red Is Glamorous Every Day Any Day Box & Red Carpet Illamasqua & Charlotte Tilbury

Review! Box & Red Carpet! Illamasqua & Charlotte Tilbury

Red is perfect doesn't matter what season what month! you can wear it walk it and strut it. Its the start of the year forget festivity wear it to celebrate being a women and knowing you can be beautiful just by wearing something as bright and sultry as this! 

Of course the strange thing with wearing a Red is that there is transitional phases to it . You can't just one day wear nothing or pale lipsticks and find you wear the red with utmost confidence and walk out. You will be surprised how much pep talk one needs in order to get a certain shade of red onto the lips and walk out. I talk from experience! you convince yourself first, that I can't be bothered to do my eyes, and this whole smokey blending look, so ill just wear a bold lip and that will make me look dressed up. You walk upto a makeup counter and realise there are so many reds shades that swim in front of your face. You will find bright reds, Orange shades, blue toned reds! Trying them on just makes you break into a sweat come on worn wrong you might just end up looking like a childs 2nd birthday party clown or then a drunk neurotic mother who has lost it while doing food shopping either which way red is daunting initially , but once the trial phase is attempted . You will be well on your way!

Its funny I know and you all will be probably thinking seriously such writing about a red lipstick. Come on its funny and at the same time true! 

Little bit of advice do the orange pink shades first before you go for the Bright boom reds like Ruby Woo or Russian Red which I believe are the classics and once you can wear these to the local town you are a seasoned veteran in bright colours. You need to mentally prepare yourself for the enviable looks that you will get once you start wearing this colour and pulling it off. I can now wear this to Tesco and feel normal, though the looks you get from women is seriously red? while shopping! I say why not! what rule book says its only for a night out?!

Do it step by step and you will never look back . Red all day every day will end up your moto too. After that wearing any bright colours like a purple or a bright pink will come naturally to you.

Seen as I count myself as the now experienced red lippie wearer, I decided on embarking on a journey of discovering some more bright red shades.

Illamasqua- Box

First purchase BOX by Illamasqua . The packaging is a simple black case £19 a lipstick which isn't too bad for a high end lipstick. Such a beautiful deep maroon red! its sultry in everyway! and just such a seductive colour to purchase. I have to say I've been wearing it now for 2 weeks and my review would be that you need to moisture your lips slightly before wearing this, the lipstick is extremely matt and quite drying on the lips. The stay on power is brilliant once on its there to stay you may need to re-apply a tad in the middle of your lips but otherwise sticks. Really good colour check out the swatch below.

Second red purchase was the Red Carpet from Charlotte Tilbury which apparently is a real favourite so the lady at the counter stated. The packaging is so glamorous its in a gold ridged casing and gives a real regal look to the whole thing. Once out the lipstick has this fabulous shape to the tip slight rectangular shape, great marketing ploy its unusual. Its really very pretty! This lip colour is a bright red, shocking and beautiful. Very moisturising and not too drying which is lovely, stay power is reasonable will come off after dinner and drinks but thats ok. Matt finish to it. Honestly after Ruby Woo this is my favourite for sure .

Charlotte Tilbury- Red Carpet

I think the 2 reds that I have purchased are in my favourites. After a lot of research Ive finally got some new reds that I will be using and re-using! Matt reds are preferably better in my opinion glossy can work but i just feel it gives a slightly more mature look to a person. Matt colours seem to stand out more too and the stay power is more plus it doesn't stain your teeth or run outside your lip too.

What red shades have you all invested in? Also are any of you trying to transition from nudes to brighter darker shades? How are you finding it? Whats the thing thats stopping you?

Let me know in the comments. Remember you can follow me through Google+ or then bloglovin.

Twitter @neeru_chopra
Instagram NeerusLifeStyle
SnapChat neeru_chopra

Keep a watch out for my new website which will be here very soon.

Until Next Week
Unscripted and Unapologetic

Learning To Deal With Disapointment

Learning To Deal With Disappointment

How many times in life have we wanted something so badly and run away with the stars thinking what we would do and how we would feel once that so called thing is bought or that person has asked us out on a date or that holiday is bought that job is offered the pay rise is given to you or even the job interview you went for you get! The list can go on. So heres my tips from my own life to deal with disappointments in a healthy manner.

  • Disappointments are the pillars of success, you grow and learn to either desire harder so that you can achieve the particular thing or then you learn to adapt the desire according to your circumstances so its achievable, no way in this do I say give up on your dream just learn to adjust it.
  • One large goal can be broken into small steps towards reaching the big goal, its good to dream big!, so learn to walk before you run. An example would be when starting your own business don't start leasing out a swanky new office with designer office furniture, start your goals for the new venture look into what is needed for that a starting point can even be a room in your house as long as the overheads are less you probably will be able to sustain yourself a lot longer, spoken from experience.
  • Theres always another realistic way, it doesn't just have to be one way or no way. Learn to trust the universe more it will aspire with you if it feels its an adequate dream that can be reached at this current particular time.
  • Set positive affirmations for you as an individual this backs up your intention, no point wanting to travel the world if deep down you are scared of flying or being on your own, so start working on those . You could put post it notes in your room repeating affirmations that let your subconscious know that you are serious about your dream and that you want your intentions to back this up. Here are some examples, Life supports me, I believe in my own power, I use my own voice to reach new heights, I keep learning new things, I am peace, I am calm.
  • Disappointment is a feeling don't take it so serious that you stop living emotions and feelings are really a thought and that can be changed try it . When you feel sad or upset honestly shift that thought pattern it takes a little bit of time but you can actually change your feeling to excitement and happiness too. Read into it do your research it all starts from the mind. Not to say get used not getting the things you want just know that a change of thought can release that sad emotion.
  • Don't be scared to try something and thinking well its going to fail anyway . Thats not really coping with disappointment thats just keeping you safe and not stretching yourself or challenging yourself. So take the leap of faith feel the exhilaration of trying something new and if it doesn't work you lived and learnt. whats a life if you dont even do that.
  • Calculated risks are fine. If you have kids and a family, bills to pay and responsibilities , take them into consideration when making bold decisions and choices and know that putting your family first and your dreams a little later if that means they are safe is actually a sign of a responsible and loving and reasonable individual. So dont be down on yourself for that!
  • Say If you have decided to take up a course or try some more hobbies and you can't afford it or have lost motivation always know tomorrow is another day dont give up life is a journey keep going putting one step infront of the other! 
  • Also rationalise this what exactly is not getting what you want another way of the universe saying that not this way try another way, it gets you to widen your creative thoughts and push the boundaries . 
  • One last thing, its exciting to know that something may not work the first time whatever it might be and that you may need to rack your brains to figure out a different way! so turn it into a positive thats the best way to live life and never feel that things in life are an obstacle rather a way to grow and develop, honestly you will ride along with life's adventures with a lot more ease! 

I think sometimes my blog is written from my own experiences and that in itself can be a great teaching for someone else reading this ! Live life fearlessly not worrying about the disappointments honestly they are the best way to teach you patience, working around a situation, reflection and even gratitude that if not this time then next time my own power and mind will lead the way.

I can give you one such example that just happened recently . Mr and I had booked a new year holiday to the Caribbean and had been looking forward to it for the best part of 4 months and my slip disc flared up and it looked impossible for me to able to do the 10 hour flight, so rather than let the holiday go to waste we gave it up to my parents, there was huge sadness attached to it as I love travelling. When I had time to think I realised that it was a wonderful opportunity for my parents to see a part of the world they had never seen, and could be our way of kids to say thank you for all that they do and have done for us! gave Mr and I an opportunity to throw a pre-xmas Eve drinks with new friends have a blast, we had so much laughter that It made me feel better too, we had  some alone time and down time which was perfect to rejuvenate yourself for 2016. So you see I could either wallow or then see it as a light in my life and for others. Its a small example of turning something in your mind into a productive and positive thing.

Have you ever experienced a low point or disappointment of some kind thats effected your motivation? how do you cope? or are you super positive and able to get through it ? let me know your tools you use

Until Next Time
Unscripted and Unapologetic

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Starting 2016!

10 Positive Intention For 2016.

Hello all and welcome to the New Year , new beginnings , fresh starts and starting fresh knowing that whatever was left behind is exactly that the thing of the past. Lets move on smile breathe some new life and say excitedly whats next?!

So this blog wasn't really going to happen, like most bloggers and vloggers I thought it a little cliche to write about New Years resolutions and things I want to change or enhance more and then realised why not! Start of the year positive things and intentions can be discussed and hopefully will inspire others to start the year with a positive attitude.

So this post will be about my intentions that I will be setting out for 2016. So lets do this. Images are all linked to some of my intentions and taken from my old blogs. Ibiza my summer holiday of 2015. Youtube get filming!. Read 25 books this year. Socialise more! Picture from Pre-New Years Party!. Table Set for the Friends.

  1. Worry Less- I'm a cancerian and have a tendency of over thinking things over and over again in my mind, fears and worries that will be probably not even happen, so I'm going to put my energy into more positive things that will make my life more productive and enhance my life more.
  2. Be present- how many of us meet friends then end up on our phones tweeting checking FB or snapchatting its too preoccupied our  lives now. No ones actually listening to a friend and the stories that are being shared. I think listening more and being more attentive is key. You might even learn something
  3. Socialise More- seems like a strange one but I can be the type that gets used to my own company or my partners and thinks thats enough, with my reading, work, youtube videos I'm ok, but I strongly feel social interaction is paramount for a healthy mind and its great for your spirit too, to meet laugh and interact, now its not to say I don't have friends far from it, Im just bad at staying in contact. So this Year I'm going to try much more to stay in touch get couples together, meet girls for lunch when possible and enjoy this life and take advantage of working for myself more! 
  4. Start My Youtube Channel- I have had my camera and tripod up for the last few months up but can't seem to get myself into gear to film a video. Self criticism about the funny faces I'm making on video is my problem so need to stop that! and get videoing
  5. Read more- I have set myself a challenge to read 25 books for this year with goodreads, just so that I continue to read and grow with my choices of books . Reading is a good quality to have which I do feel some people have lost due to so many distractions nowadays! I think it widens your intellectual capabilities more.
  6. Blogging- Fine tuning my blogging . Just making sure I keep posting weekly with interesting content and that you all keep appreciating it. 
  7. Gratitude- We can all fall prey to taking life and the good things for granted or even the wonderful people that surround you . So mine is to be thankful for every person that touches my life shows me loyalty makes me smile or teaches me something. Either with a journal or just with my early morning thoughts.
  8. Start mediating properly everyday- I think for someone like me it will change my life. Would make me more calm and give me more clarity when making decisions and make me less stressful . Even if its 10 minutes its a start.
  9. Stop Comparing- There are some things in my life that are missing and perhaps deep down I have wanted them for a long time. I'm also very  spiritual more aware to know that some things will happen in their own time and if they don't the man up their has a different plan. So I need to be content on my own journey and not look left or right. After all this world is full of 7 billion people, I'm more than this earth, universe and this small town I want to compare myself to!
  10. Travel More- Due to my back travelling has been a little tricky however I strongly feel that my back will heal this year and then the worlds our oyster. Maybe Budapest or then Prague sun sea and sand might do Italy Amalfi or Sicily lets see theres a whole world to see!
What intentions have you thought about for this year? Are you able to stick to them ? don't get frustrated though just keep going and try to fulfil things you have thought of , after all we have 12 months to work on it!

Share some of your changes you want to make.

Until Next Week
Unscripted & Unapologetic