Monday, 29 February 2016

Review Of Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation Fond De Teint- 5 Medium V Double Wear Estee Lauder Double Wear -Tawny

Review Of Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation Versus Estee Lauder Double Wear

I think aside from lipsticks my other makeup addiction is for sure foundations. I love reading up on them or then watching reviews on youtube. Its something that changes the look of a women completely when worn! 

Its the flawless look and the glow it quite literally gives you if you get the shade right the consistency spot on, you have a photoshop look right there. Last year I found myself in a rut with Mac foundation the usual go to or then Nars sheer glow and drugstore bought Wake Me Up from Rimmel! So this year I thought I would change it up a bit and try some new foundations, either with recommendations or then by going to the counter and asking questions and getting them to shade me up.

Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation

Little story with this! walked to the counter in Selfridges looking for the lipstick Red Carpet and ended up looking at foundations and talking to a lady at the counter getting coaxed into trying it on and was literally impressed enough to do an impulse buy. Its a new foundation that came in last year very similar to the Estee Lauder Double Wear! Its a super light runny consistency , I would say a good coverage as it can be built up and has a long durability too. All in all well worth the mone. If you are wanting a light coverage then one pump or two is sufficient to give that glow and a moisturising look but if you looking for more of a heavy coverage then 3/4 pumps covers all blemishes! I like the fact its build-able and leaves you with a glow rather than a caked mat look. Small bottle costs £29.50 . Its a spatula style applicator so enough product can be used at a time. Very hydrating too.

Estee Lauder Double Wear

This foundation has been around for years and is very much a favourite to a lot of ladies of  different age groups. So I was a little late coming around to trying it but better late than never! Its a lovely consistency really creamy and thick, coverage is full so one finger full is more than enough for you to get a super coverage that hides all marks in full! its not runny at all so the thicker based consistency works wonders to feel like you are getting your moneys worth! Its a matt finish but you don't feel dehydrated with that look because the creamy foundation makes you feel like you are applying a thick cream to your face yet at the same time you are getting a lovely flawless matt finish. I now know why so many women have raved about this foundation for years! There is no applicator to this, you just have to tip some out onto your hand warm it up and then apply with a blender or then fingers. Overall I'm really loving using this! and I think this bottle will last me awhile . Durability of this is the whole day doesn't come off easily you don't need to keep re-applying this again and again! Cost of this is £25.99

So this is my review of this months 2 foundations which I have tried. Whats your favourite makeup and how often do you go out and try new brands or do you stick to the same and prefer to be a creature of habit ? Let me know in the comments below I love them honestly

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Unscripted and Unapologetic

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Review On 51 Buckingham Suite Taj

51 Buckingham Suite!

Romance , some say Valentine is so over rated and that love should be shown everyday and for that I completely agree! but being pampered once in awhile from ones hectic work schedule and to just take a break with your loved one can be such a treat! This time Mr and I decided not to go abroad and just go explore London, with so many historical properties around its good to look around the city thats home to me and stop getting my passport out at every given opportunity !

So here we are I love the Taj properties overall, its the hospitality of the chain that blows me away, you really are treated like royalty and to have a home from home is so inviting and comfortable who would say no. We have stayed in Taj properties all over India and I have to say so far nothing could be compared to the service we received there, however I can now say that 51 Buckingham Suites Taj is very much in for the running . I was pampered no doubt! Doors being opened, a smile and a good morning even room service! was for the regal only lol Menu! on a tray. Bed made morning afternoon and evening , turndown meant chocolates left on the bed lights turned down new water ready for bed, I could get used this no making the bed scenario!

Each room had perfectly thought about interior in the living room it was pink themed the painting was pink with the cushions on the sofa rest was more neutral . Cosy but modern feel to it. Kitchen had all integrated appliances! Nespresso coffee machine with capsules extra points there! milk in the fridge more points!

We spent a good long weekend there, had a few friends over and family. It was a large suite with a living room, kitchen, Bedroom and bathroom. Butler service was at our disposal and it had a rather regal feel to it all. Now anyone that knows me if its history associated with the building I need to know what the building was before and this particular building is of the early 17th century these townhouse initially were for orphanages it went onto become a hospital in the 18th century and then a home for the aristocrats . You can just tell with the brickwork the old grandeur style tall impressive buildings that this was certainly an important building! theres also a courtyard where you can only but imagine ladies and gentleman enjoying their afternoon tea there! . Only in the early 19th century did this become a hotel. Such super history . when you walk into the lobby you can imagine the whole thing being a large dining area where they must have entertained, I just love being part of history!

Two restaurants attached to the hotel both giving michellin starred food every morsel just melts in your mouth . The cuisine is Indian and European, unique deserts and just yummy food all around. There is also a Wellness spa included however though a part of the suites it also runs independently so anyone can go to visit this spa and YOU should it is so relaxing! each masseuse has their own technique in revitalising you and energising the body! super relaxing they cater to each individual needs.

The property's location is centrally located walking distance from Buckingham Palace! Hyde Park Corner and Park Lane! so it was lovely taking a stroll enjoying being a tourist and seeing how much London is so loved . We just missed the changing of the guards but still enjoyed the parade, I forgot how much fun it can be!

So I just want to say those living just outside London, go into central we have so much history and beauty right at our door step I don't think even if we are born and bought up here we will have seen everything! theres still so much to see and explore! step into the history of England. We are lucky to be a part of it.

What did you all do during Valentine ? was it special? did you go away ? and where? or was it cosy and a home affair? Let me know I love all your comments.

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Youtube-Neeru Chopra

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Unscripted & Unapologetic

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

BYAloma Jewellery!


What girl doesn't get excited about jewellery! now it doesn't have to be diamonds only it can be interestingly designed fashionable and on trend pieces too. This is exactly what this jewellery brand is and thanks to, her videos show such interesting pieces that I just had to investigate further. Intricate well designed necklaces, brackets, rings, and other things, its a brand that will at some point become known amonst many people, I'm just surprised I've just figured it out now!

The two pieces that I have purchased are the necklace and the bracelet. I love the saying on both pendants, 'What Goes Around' can only imagine this is referring to the karmic thoughts that most of us live by: 'what you do so shall you reap'.

The necklace is just so elegant and fine , it has a long gold chain which then ends with a chain and a pendant attached to that which says What Goes Around, I Love it!, just so pretty with a plain top, it would even look quite pretty with ethnic wear like a plain sari. I love the factor that you can dress this up or down! You have a choice out of silver or gold I personally feel both work well , gold for some reason more. Reminds me a little of the Egyptian Era I would have imagined them to wear something like this! 

My other purchase was this bracelet with blue rope tie around . Just so Boho but with an element of chic the pendant and the clip are gold plated, just adds that certain class that makes it unique. They have the rope tie in many different colours. Orange, neon pink, black, white and many more, I just thought Blue is little universal and would go with most outfits.

By Alona have so much choice and unique pieces, I think anyone who likes to wear jewellery with a slight twist should check them out! Braceletts, body chains, pretty necklaces rings hand ring and bracelet list goes on . Its gothic and pretty at the same time.

I like to share new things I have discovered so that you guys can also find out about different brands and choices out there! Hope you have enjoyed this.

What new jewellery are you wearing? Is there any brand that you can share with me I might like? Let me know in the comments below.

Don't forget you can follow me on bloglovin and through Google.

Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Week

Monday, 8 February 2016

10 Happy Habits To Have

10 Happy Habits To Have

Happiness is something that everyone aspires to attain. Anyone you ask will say I want to be happy, thats something I need so that life falls into place. How is it that you can have happiness in your life but maintain it on a daily basis?! The strange thing is most of us as babies were born happy and abundantly free , what happens to us as adults that suddenly we find we are sad, grump, disillusioned and generally carrying the world weight on our shoulders. Personally I just think that we allow life obstacles or tests to take its toll on our mind and emotions, which we then carry with us in our life .

From my own experience and perspective I think it's also a habit that can be nurtured and grown within us again, its not something that is lost or unattainable, its right there inside us all waiting to be shown forth! Some people may think happiness is felt so you need to be surrounded by things that make you feel otherwise it can't be felt! well you are so wrong, you don't need external things to change  to feel that happy feeling that can come from within, remember its an emotion that can be cultivated and I am a firm believer in that!

Happiness attracts good things in life, the right people, the right choices and even the right circumstances for great things to happen. When you are happy your vibrations raise, that in itself attracts like a magnet the sort of  things that only survivors, achievers and go getters can have.

So heres how!

  1. Live from a place of love, even if someone treats me mean, I will silence them with kindness, empathy and an air of dignity that only a classy person can do! That way no bitterness sets in and nothing will eat away at you! 
  2. Grateful-  I say this a lot , but how about just going back to basics being happy to be alive each day is an opportunity to achieve to live to change things and to be your true calling. If that heart is beating then you can achieve the goals you want and to carve the life you would like to have. Sometimes that in itself sets you apart from others , you don't need to compare or want or be envious of others concentrate on your own journey and be thankful for the freedom and choice you have.
  3. Exercise- Releases happy hormones!, start your day with it. A fresh air walk, gym, swim whichever takes your fancy! all of these activities will oxygenate your body, clear your mind with that your decisions will have a lot more clarity. Happiness right there. 
  4. Have a hobby! that keeps your creative juices flowing! can be anything reading, writing, painting, photography and dancing whatever it is engross yourself in it, its your time enjoy it.
  5. Pamper day- So many of us have daily life responsibilities, but its ok to take time out for yourself get a massage , go shopping with the girls how about getting your nails done go to the local museums anything where you can relax.
  6. Keep a Journal- most days something in life will upset you or stress you. To write things down at the end of the day is a really good way of getting it out of your system onto paper that way you can put things into perspective, it releases the angst you may feel.
  7. Meditation- Yeah I know heard it before! but it really helps in calming the mind, clearing it and fine tuning your thoughts and getting rid of that daily static that one can find can takeover in normal daily life! it helps to see things for what they really are to realise that life is more clear if you work intrinsically that way whatever you see in life will only project what your thoughts are going on inside!
  8. Surround Yourself With Happy People- being around positive people and laughing through life will keep you happy and positive! So be conscious of the people you keep around you, you want them to have a happy and positive influence in your life!
  9. Do Something Good For Someone- think beyond just yourself , honestly it works a treat! go beyond just your woes and sadness theres a big world out there! who need support advice and a kind heart so do something today something as simple as smile lend an ear or even help someone with their shopping give someone a lift or have a cup of tea with someone it all helps to make others happy and inturn builds good karma to help you.
  10. Consciously Smile More- honestly let it become a habit, who says I need a reason just do it get up in the morning look in the mirror and smile its infectious! and a vitamin that warms your body and mind straightaway! do it for you and others watch how this great habit works a treat in your beautiful life!

Happiness is well within the reach of everyone, it is our birthright! to have this. Just sometimes life, circumstances and challenges can effect it. However if you make it a habit and train your mind that this is a personality trait I wish to possess, address it cultivate it nurture it and let it grow daily it will happen it has for me and changed me completely. Being a happier more positive person means I have challenges oh boy a lot of them, but I can very quickly bring myself back to Im alive I'm here and I have a chance to make things better one foot in front of the other!

Stay Happy People!

Do you do anything else to make you happy is it something you struggle with. Let me know in the comments below!

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Until Next Time 
Unscripted and Unapoogetic

Tuesday, 2 February 2016