Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How I Keep Faith

How I Keep Faith

Faith is an interesting word! for some it may mean religion, god, inner strength and certain beliefs. Its your perception and whatever that is, is right because If thats what motivates you inspires and you and pushes you forward through life's challenges, then its the momentum of faith that has kept you going.

In this I just wanted to talk about what it means to me and how it helps me through life. Ive always been a firm believer that life is full of miracles and that the way forward is to look forward and not back keep pushing ahead one step in front of the other. The answers lie inside us and faith god is inside us too. Too much lies externally for most of us and I don't believe that is the case, looking within and searching for the answers is what helps me and stops the panic that arises when life can seem like a dark tunnel.

We all have challenges and let me by no means try and trivialise anyones issues, if its a problem for you then its a challenge you are facing, however I think the void in a lot of us including myself, we forget to be grateful for all that we are blessed with however big or small. I do beleive  we all have a purpose here each one of us we just need to ask the universe what that service may be , how can I step aside from my woes and add value to this beautiful world that I temporary live in.

These are the few questions and discussions I have shared with some special people and I feel rather than follow a certain doctrine , prayers or religion this in itself moves me forward makes me seek knowledge and gives me strength.

So some of the things that I do to gain strength is to :

Meditate- I know the biggest cliche ever, but seriously it works, it doesn't have to be complicated at all! just deep breathing so that your Diaphragm expands in and out honestly the calming effect it has, is next to none, I get a lot of anxiety with certain things in my life and this just puts things in to perspective! firstly the crazy dialogue thats running through your mind quietens down and your breathing slows down and these two things together in tangent just calm your life down...TRY IT. Of course you can also listen to soothing music, you can chant, visualise whatever works with your mind 

Affirmations- I say what I wish to become so  if its requiring some healing then I say ' My body knows how to heal itself', 'I love and Approve of Myself' 'The Universe Supports Me ' , all these kind of affirmations are teaching your subconscious dialogue that this is what your mind and body wants and is doing , honestly its like planting a seed the fruition of it may not happen straight away but in time if you persevere you will see the changes, I have tried and tested this and I wouldn't be where I am today If it wasn't for this.

Being Of Service- How many times have we become obsessed about an issue regarding me myself and I? its a lot more useful to step outside yourself and be of service to the universe, I need to do it more but in the past I have volunteered for years and believe not only was I helping I made friends learned new skills and gained confidence that I too could make a difference to someones life. You can go to a place of worship and help, or befriend an old uncle or aunt that could do with some company have tea and a chat it doesn't have to be big or small just something where you are thinking beyond you and your kids your job your life etc. it makes an enormous difference SO go do it make someone happy! might just help you.

Learn Something New- How important is it to keep growing I think imperative, its so easy to get complacent and just plod along, but learning something new developing yourself a new skill set is exciting and makes life much more interesting, and I do think it keeps the brain cells ticking as well as diversion and a aversion from things that could be worrying you. Its a trick I use and sometimes It could be as simple as reading a new book and joining a book club, you get talking and learning from each other, try some new seminars go to some talks perhaps learn a language whatever it might be do it for you and enjoy it and bask in the factor that you are learning something new. 

Keep Humble- How many times has life gone so well that you start thinking life couldn't get any better! maybe not intentionally but you for sure perhaps lose a little of the humility that is needed at all times in life, I would say keep that in check, Humility I think is the most attractive quality an individual can possess its the only thing that will keep a continued bridge between us all regardless of whats happening in life. So remain humble reach out to others when you think they may need it and if you are doing well in your career family life etc give thanks to the universe and have an intention to make sure you remain walking on the ground always.

Prioritise Time- Though we may think this life span is long in the bigger scheme of things its not its probably a nano second out in the universe! so make time for things that really matter don't be so attached to the tangible things surrounding you rather create happy memories, spend quality time with family and make sure you give yourself enough time to be and do the things that make you happy too, and I'm not saying shirk your responsibilities, I'm just saying that while you are here leave a mark that will long stay here on earth while you are gone.

So these are just some of the things that keep my faith really strong, when life gets troublesome and tough, divert your attention to things that are beyond just you , start with some that I have mentioned only because its tested and it works!

Otherwise when life throws lemons what do you do? do you make Lemonade or do you get down  whats your coping mechanism any thoughts? Leave me some comments that the best part.

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Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Time

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Sandersons Mad Hatters Afternoon Tea Party!

Mad Hatters Tea Party In Pics!

Cocktails! Before The Tea!

Meat Platter And Veggie Platter Anyone!

Varying Teas!

Cake Tier With Macroons, Ladybird Cakes And Much More!


Hope you enjoyed my Mad Hatters Tea Party images at the Sanderson Hotel. It Was A lovely and Unique experience, if you ever get a chance and want to treat yourself then do check it out, The courtyard, water cascading in the background just a very Feng Shui feel! Do ask for a table out in the courtyard and if anyone is vegan or vegetarian they cater for that too, as you could see in one of the platters it was all vegan including the colour of the bread. Its not a cheap day out and for a family of four can cost upto £230! Varying teas are at hand and the theme is so cute, it will take you back to your Alice In Wonderland days! even the menu comes in a hardback book, all the choices of hot beverages come written on small play cards and the best thing is the takeaway left over bag! how sweet is that!

I have to say afternoon tea for me is my favourite meal to have out. Teas and Scones and sandwiches I just love it! oh how British am I?!

Do you guys like going for an Afternoon tea?! Do you have a favourite spot?

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Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Time