Monday, 7 December 2015

My November Favourites

My November Favourites

My Favourite 10 Items 

I haven't actually ever done a monthly favourites. Seen as the Christmas festivity is starting, I thought I would give this a whirl and see what I could come up with. Now it will cover everything from food, Tv, Makeup, Perfume and Clothing. So in no particular order .

  1. Games Of Thrones- Oh yes Mr and I have finally succumbed to the hype that surrounds us all with this Tv Show and finally got down to watching this. It was not a disappointment!, what an amazing show! we started it last month and are already on Season 5 and have pretty much caught up with it all and believe season 6 will be aired on April 2016 cannot wait. Its a great medieval story depicted of different lands kings and general power struggle over the throne hence the title . The knights men, their sword fights, dialogues, love triangles, deception its all brilliant to watch including the bloody fights something for both genders and truly genus programme.
  2. Early Morning Juicing- Told you food would be on the list! My vita-mix has become my best friend again! and my favourite juice at present is the Pineapple, Papaya, Apple, Pear and Spinach with a hint of Ginger. Great alkalising juice mmmmm yum, add water to taste and depending on how thick you want the juice to be. Its a great substitute to breakfast or a spot on for a  mid-morning snack.
  3. Forever ALOe Vera Gel- One shot of this every morning and honestly you will feel the benefits. Luscious hair, good nails, skin glows and digestive track stays in order and is fabulous for joints so a good one for me. I have been taking this for over a month now and can see the benefits why don't you read about it and give it a go.
  4. Mrs FunnyBones-Book by Twinkle Khanna- Its a hilarious belly aching book and those that don't know she is the daughter of Rajesh khanna a bollywood actor during the 60's and married to a famous actor. She seriously knows how to laugh at her self and describe a typical day in the life of a Mum, Wife Daughter and working women . Its funny witty and a must read. Hope she writes more.
  5. Bobbi Brown Berry Punch- This has fast become my favourite colour . Its a bright Deep pinky/purple colour and I love it, its a bright colour that livens up your face. A gloss finish and very moisturising. 
  6. Anastascia Contour Kit- Now the hype on this was phenomenal and I didn't quite get sucked along with it initially but finally thought why don't I try it and see what the hype is all about. I have used it a few times now. Im still getting the hang of it and am obsessively watching tutorials on this and trying to copy it, not exactly succeeding!. However what I can say is that the Banana powder is brilliant and really brings out the light highlighted area well. The contour colours a very pigmented so you don't need too much. The highlight stands out. I think I need to play around it with it more, though initial feelings are its very good and it will last a long time.
  7. Bircher Soft Apple and Raisin Muesli- I just love this and went on a recommendation by a you tuber and never looked back. Yes you can make your own gloppy bircher Muesli but this does the trick and tastes brilliant! just let the milk sit for 5 minutes and the consistency will be lovely. Try it!
  8. White Musk Perfume from BodyShop- This perfume is my classic go to when I want something I know I will love no matter what. I first used this when I was 16! and yes it was affordable and a beautiful fresh musky smell, that lingers so lightly on your clothes. My visit to body shop ended in me buying this perfume and I love it, I get quite nostalgic wearing it. How many of you wear this, I know its quite a favourite.
  9. Orange Digestive- New range so yummy if you are like me and love a good digestive then this does the job! dip it in tea or just take a bite and sip the tea just my favourite desert after dinner one biscuit or Two with tea . Its lovely and I hope they continue this.
  10. Bee Strong Intensive Mask For the Hair-I recently had my hair dyed to a light brown colour, a lot of highlights went in , which meant my hair has become very dry. It is always suggested then when colour like this has been put in with your normal conditioner its good to once a week put in a deep conditioner to really get the hair hydrated the one I picked up was just on an instinct and I have to say it works a treat. I shampoo my hair as normal and leave this in for 10 minutes after really comb it through with your fingers and when you have washed it all it remains so soft and manageable. Worth a try super market or drugstore bought! 
  11. Select Festive Eyeshadow Palette- Love this has such lovely colours especially the red and the gold mixed together with the dark shade just in the corner outer ends. All the colours fit well in the festive season. Put the red lightly all over the eye and the gold placed in the middle blend out the edges and add the shimmery black. Really works on a evening out or christmas do.
  12. Asos Cape- I bought this in September its so lovely and warm. A Polo-neck type of Square cape with a button and open slip detailing not your normal run of the mill Capes, and my favourite for this year!
  13. Youtube channels- I watch a lot but I have some that are fast becoming my favourites, because they inspire me and make me want to be a better person and live outside the box. I watch very inspiring does blogs and videos always inspiring and encouraging. lovely young girls based in Delhi has some great makeup tutorials brilliant talks on controversial topics I love her spirit and aura, one to watch out for! Another lady that I have been addicted to is sheerzade Shroff an ex model who does challenges on youtube, clothing hauls has lots of travelling tips and ideas also does a Got to do India travelling youtube show its brilliant she's got a adventurous streak in her and not your run of the mill girl!. Lastly but not least is she's kick-ass with spiritual topics  or then business ideas and how to stay motivated and has fabulous interviews. She's funny makes sense and charismatic check her out.
So this is my November favourites. What are yours for this month? Maybe you have more festivity in yours?. What foods are you loving? any products that you could recommend to me or what about a good book?

Until Next Week
Unscripted & Unapologetic

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