Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Making Eczema Manageable

Can Eczema Be Manageable

Who understands having Eczema! I hope whoever reads this knows I'm living with it have it and get it. Its life altering upsetting and well damn right inconvenient. I have had it for most of my life from a child infact. Its been a learning curve for my family the doctors and myself. Finally once you become an adult you get to know your skin and what works for you and what doesn't. Here are a few of my tips that work for me and make living with Eczema more comfortable.

  • Learn a way to not get stressed it won't help when suffering from flare ups
  • Keep a diary for the foods you eat, will help to eliminate what foods could be a cause of a flare up
  • Generally rule of thumb avoid sugar and Dairy it will aggravate the itchiness 
  • Don't get yourself too heated, during the cold seasons try and layer up so when you get hot its easier to take a layer off to cool down! jumper materials will get you too hot too quick and the material will itch.
  • Keep to cottons, wool acrylics will annoy and itch
  • Try and change your bed sheets often, Eczema sufferers shed a lot more skin than usual especially because we itch, so better to have clean sheets to sleep in
  • Shower and moisturise always this will clean the skin and add the moisture back in which is very important. 
  • Don't avoid mosituring and yes you do need to lather, delicately applying will not work, it needs to be generous and throughout the day, this will prevent flare ups and you will have less bouts of cracked skin.
  • When you have cracked skin moisturise before you go running to use steroid I know because I have thinned my skin out a lot due to over usage of them, do everything but that the side effects are more prevalent.
  • Try alternative medicine especially Chinese Acupuncture or then Ayurvedic  it will help more than the allopathic, I guess the theory is that it works more intrinsically 
  • When exercising keep cool at the same time sweating will aggravate the skin, Swimming is a good way of keeping fit and staying cool.
  • If you need to use perfume, use it on your clothing rather than directly on your skin it will flare up
  • Deodorant under the arms should be the roll on rather than spray..makes it more comfortable and to be honest works better
  • When washing dishes ( though try and avoid at all costs) wear gloves the detergent will flare the hands
  • Speaking of hands washing Hair can be a nightmare too, if you can visit the hair dressers once in awhile to give your hands a rest with that, but I would suggest using gloves.
  • Not all moisturises will feel the same on your skin so try them all out and see what works, I remember my specialist telling me Petroleum jelly would work well for me as it keeps you a lot more greasy for longer periods, but it would make me feel itchy and uncomfortable cream based products work better but it has to be super creamy and the after effects should not be drying!, Diprobase never worked for me, neither the Aveeno brand made from oats, it all left me feeling dry including Aqueous the very popular cream prescribed to us. E45 hands down wins for me its creamy leaves a soft feel on the skin, and their are many different products you can choose from like shampoo, hand cream, bath oil, bath gel and so on. 
  • Try not to wear tight clothes , they may look good but won't help in anyway, leave jeans for the colder months, stick to flawy material that give your skin space to breathe! skirts Maxi dresses flawy bell bottoms they all look fashionable and work.
  • Keep yourself happy seems silly?! but when your moral is low the first thing that gets effected will be your skin its the weakest spot, you will tend to think worry and scratch its our nervous twitch, so surround yourself with happy people happy thoughts and don't be apologetic about getting the toxic people out! its your health your skin your well being. Just know who really cares.
  • Keep yourself active and busy , you will find you itch the most once you get into bed. thats because then your mind is idle and attention goes back to the skin, and then suddenly you will notice you are itchy so keep busy or go to bed when tired, the bed can be a haven for itching unnecessarily. 
  • Breaking the habit of itching is key
  • Try not to keep long nails won't help and will create infection so short nails are better.
  • Dont scratch harshly train your mind to rub not harsh scratches that way you are trying to save the skin breaking and leaving open wounds.
These are just some of my tips and tricks. I would suggest, joining locals groups as well. This helps in meeting people who understand this kind of a condition and you can share ideas and views plus you can also share whats making you sad and unhappy, remember a problems shared is a problem halved.

Being different is ok. Don't ever forget that. It makes us alot more empathetic and caring in life. We share more compassion with others and never tire in helping others out. Resilience and excelling at life becomes our motto. 

If any of you have any questions regarding products for the skin or makeup and want some advice based on me being a chronic Eczema sufferer, then don't hesitate in asking me on any of my social media platforms.

Helpful Website:

Hope this helps anyone. Even if its one person. I will know that I have made a difference!

You can follow me on:
Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Time

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