Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Berkshire Bloggers Meetup..

First Bloggers Meet

Its funny how Blogging can literally open doors you never thought of! I started my blogging journey 2 years ago. the first year I blogged regularly once a week , this year due to my other job I have not uploaded as regularly. (My Url is creamsnocreams.blogspot.co.uk I am a lifestyle blogger which covers anything from Travel, Books, Tv Programmes to Beauty). However its nice to know that Im still in the radar of some bloggers and good to know that I can also get invited to events.

This event was organised by the lovely @sophieroseblog at the Reading Oracle Shopping Centre. We started off by having lovely nibbles and some drinks and a little bit of mingling.

There must have been a group of at least 10-12 ladies. All running their own blogs different age ranges. Was nice to see everyone supporting each other, it didn't matter how big or small your blog was.

After mingling we were then taken to House of Fraser where Urban Decay were featuring some of their summer collection of Eyeshadows, Contouring, Highlighters. This limited edition Jean Michael Basquiat makeup has a unique packaging, feels like a collectors item, it reflects the designers flare. We had a lovely lady @sophiemccllm representing Urban Decay, she showed us different ways of using this makeup, we were used as her models to showcase the colours. I loved the factor that she was so flamboyant that it automatically inspired you to be more adventurous with colours and style. I was very much interested in the bright neon turquoise blue palette and asked how this could be used she cleverly showed me a way. There was also a neutral palette with golds and browns my favourite and go to at all times.  Some other lovely blogger asked how to contour we were also shown little tricks that would enhance this more.

Jean Michael Basquit Tenant Eyeshadow Pallette Retail Price £35

Jean Michael Basquit Gold Griot Eyeshadow pallette Retail Price £35

Shape Shifter Retail Sale Value £39.50
Can you see the awesome summery colours above! I need to experiment more! The contouring was interesting but felt little complicated for my liking, it was a double sided pallette, on one side powder and the other side cream. Depending on your skin type you could choose the side which suits you better.

Jean Michael Basquit Gallery Blush Pallette Retail Price £27

This palette above is also very pretty again theres a Blusher, Contouring and Highlighter. We were shown to wet the fan brush which then set the colours better on the face! great little tip!

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Was a lovely Meetup and that too my first one. Great group of ladies and a fabulous Brand. I love Urban Decay and it was a Privlege to be invited.

You Can follow me on
Youtube-Neeru Chopra

Until Next Time

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