Saturday, 4 July 2015

Top 5 Red Shaded Lipsticks:

A girls best friend a good lippy!. You just cant go wrong i do sometimes wonder why it took me so long to get the confidence to pop on some red lips and go. The whole of my 20's i thought about it and reached the orange shade  thinking in my mind this is as adventurous as it gets! moving away from the neutrals of body-shop wasn't easy ! alas to realise the days when you dont fancy dressing up too much how do you give the impression you are? well  a good pair of jeans, heels, white T-shirt, black leather jacket or fitted black jacket subtle makeup and POW a red lip, you are officially  ready to go.

So here are my top 5 Red Shades that are long wearing, great shades, reasonable priced and not too drying on the lips you know me dryness is a no no! 

Mac- Russian Red, No7 Soft Paprika, Deluxe No 1, Kate Moss Rimmel 107, Mac-Ruby Woo

Mac Russian Red

Mac red shades are probably the first ones you should go for if you are a newbie to red shades. They are redder than red such strong colours and you can control the amount you want on the lips, the dabbing effect and blotting works wonders to give the subtle red look without it overwhelming you ( i say the reder the better) , this with a smudged outline also in Mac works a treat.

No 7 Soft Paprika:

This is a new shade that i found in my local pharmacy in the picture perhaps with the lighting looks alot more redder than what it is! it has more of a orange red tone to it, so not as intense as the lipsticks above but a lovely warm shade , has a slight twist to it that if put it on with a heavy hand can have the POW effect, love the name the packaging is subtle dark brown case, easy to use. The lippie doesn't melt too quick in this heat! and good one to buy if you are a newbie to the darker stand-out range.

Deluxe No 1

Deluxe Red no 1 siren colour. Little story to this i hadn't really stepped out for the whole day and decided i would pop out to my local large supermarket for a spot of food shopping only to get side tracked with the makeup section come on hands up girls who end up making a Friday night out of this! guilty as charged so this is where this lipstick came to my attention one of those new introductory range super cheap velvety feel, does have the tendency to  come off easily  but for the price and the colour its worth it . Its not a matt finish but i like the shade it reminds me a little of the Sephora gloss lipsticks that have the lip balm feel to it.

Kate Moss Rimmel No 107

This Kate Moss lipstick has been my favourite for awhile now. Its is a deep Maroon colour that is so beautiful during the winter months or the summer evenings, works well with subtle eye shadow slight flused pink cheeks and this colour works a treat. Its a sophisticated colour that can be worn formally or even casually with a a pair of jeans. Its my favourite colour .

Red lipsticks are a girls best-friend and i do think ladies need to be confident in wearing them, don't leave it like me in your 30's to then realise what a  fabulous item you have been denying your pretty face . This is the ultimate staple make-up item that needs to be in every girls bag. Just like a LBD ( little black dress) so does the red shade. It makes the outfit a WOW factor so come on girls start popping this colour on.

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